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Born Terry Alan Kath January 31 1946

Terry played with many folks in his teen years. The Mystics even had a pressing onto vinyl. Any one have a copy?

Formed by Chuck Madden, The Missing Links survived through a couple different members. At one point, Terry played bass along side future bandmates Danny and Walt.

Terry and the boys release their first album. Two of his most favored pieces begin and conclude this album. "Introduction" & "Free Form Guitar" have left many musicians marveling over Terry's talents.

'I'm A Man' is a cover that comes directlry from the bands club days when covers where all they played. Check out the live version from Top of the pops.

While on tour Terry's favorite place was on stage playing. Everything else in between was work.
-Photo courtesy of Robert Lamm

Released in 1970, chicago II continues to showcase Terry's talents on such songs as 'In the Country', Memories of Love', 'Color My World', '25 or 6 to 4' and 'It Better End Soon.'

Fallowing the success of their first two albums Terry and the guys are constantly on the road. Tanglewood is one of their more famous concerts.

Released in 1971, Chicago III was their third consecutive album. This album, once again, shows how Terry's talent can take the audience on a journey through music and lyric in 'An Hour in the Shower.'

Circa 1971 - Chciago plays McNeil island Federal Prison in Washington State.
Photo Courtesy of Robert Lamm

After it's purchase in 1972 by chicago's producer james Guercio it quickly became Terry's favorite place to be. Equipped with a 24 hour recording studio, wilderness and all that a ranch could offer Terry was in heaven. He ended up living here most of the year.

Cut in just over a week, Chicago V, released in 1972, became their first #1 album. Terry's phenominal talents are featured in 'Dialogue' and 'Alma Mater.'

Courtesy of Kevin Ferguson

Courtesy of Michael Brown

Courtesy of Michael Brown

Chicago VI, released in 1973, showed that the band had moved into a more polished, commercial sound. They had traded their 10 minute free form compsitions for a 3 minute "am radio friendly" sound.
You really begin to notice that Terry's contributions weren't the songs that fit this bill. on this album, famous amounst fan, is the song 'Jenny' that he wrote about man's best friend.

Courtesy of Michael Brown

Terry loved motorcycles. He collected them and loved riding on road trips.

Chicago's producer James Guercio, produced and directed this film released in 1973, in which the band all made cameos
"Terry dreamed of being an actor. At home he had a make-up kit with mustaches, bald caps, false teeth and scars. he had so much fun working on this film." -Camelia Kath

Chicago VII was released 1974 and features Terry's compositions 'Byblos' and 'Song of the Evergreens.'

Terry as the face for Pignose amps

Behind the scene at the Pignose shoot shows Terry and Camelia hanging out.

Released in 1975

Chicago III. released in 1975, features Terry's tribute to Jimi Hendrix 'Oh Thank You Great Spirit.'

Chicago X, released in 1976, finally won them their first Grammy for 'If You Leave Me Now' which ws intened for a solo Album for Peter Cetera. This album clearly embraces the format of the three minute blalad which shows how they have changed drastically from CTA.
Kath composes and lend his vocal to 'Once or Twice' and 'Hope for Love.'
The last album Terry was on, released in 1977, begins with his tune 'Mississippi Delta Blues' and end with his voice singing 'Little One'.

The Terry Kath Experience , elease date TBA

In 2016 the film premiers at TIFF. In 2017 it is release to the world through Film Rise

In 2016 Chicago's CTA is inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of fame

Great articl on Terry