A message from Terry’s daughter Michelle


First I would like to thank all the fans for their support.  I continuously receive letters from fans sharing their Terry Kath experiences with me, whether it was a time they saw him in concert, when they had a chance to meet him or a meaningful moment that his music gave to them.  No matter what the letters says it always ends with a wonderful sentiment about my father. It was important for me to create this website, not only for the fans, but also to display the raw talent and true genius of my dad.  I always felt that he never got the credit he deserved for his contribution to guitar.  His approach to playing and writing music were unique to his own.  I was always saddened by his untimely death, not only because I missed out on knowing him, but also because there was so much more that he had to offer the music world.

The process of collecting stories and content has become a quest to find out more about my father than what I’ve been already been told and what I’ve found on the Internet.  That’s when I realized that I had to make a documentary about him.  Something as simple as making a website has now turned into a film.  I am excited to share my journey with you.  Starting the Terry Kath community was a way for me to bring the fans together and share his memory.  Through the site and the film I hope to reach a new audience of Terry Kath fans and help the community to grow.

Thank you for your support.

Your rock!

Michelle Kath Sinclair